Infrastructure podcast mini-series

The growing demand for infrastructure investment

The Bid podcast
The Bid podcast /
The growing demand for infrastructure investment

Guest host Mark Wiedman is joined by Raj Rao, President and Chief operating Officer of Global Infrastructure Partners to talk infrastructure investing 101, how the asset class started, what's driving its growth and why it's becoming a must have in investors' portfolios.

The low-carbon transition: A $100 trillion infrastructure opportunity

The Bid podcast
The Bid podcast /
The low-carbon transition: A $100 trillion infrastructure opportunity

In the second episode of our infrastructure mini-series on The Bid, guest host Mark Wiedman, speaks with Matt Harris and Salim Samaha from Global Infrastructure investing to explore one of the biggest opportunities in infrastructure, the global transition to a low carbon economy.

BlackRock completes acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners

BlackRock and Global Infrastructure Partners announce the successful completion of BlackRock’s acquisition of GIP. The combination creates an industry leader in infrastructure across equity, debt and solutions – providing a diverse range of infrastructure sector expertise and exposure across developed and emerging markets.
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